tisdag 16 februari 2010

Here we go again

Have you every thought to yourself, Wow lifes good? then in an instant its all gone per shaped?.
There is surely more to life than stepping on a treadmill and plodding along?.
I did a wedding convention at the weekend in Malmo Sweden, beautiful surroundings lovely half naked models backstage!!!!!!!!!!!, Ok it was valentines day, it was cold as a freezer outside, but my god is there a new virus going around that makes people miserable twats?
I might be spoilt but I am used to some kind of responce when I walk on stage!!!!
200 pairs of dead eyes, if anybody had smiled I reckon there face would have cracked!
Still I did my bit went backstage to have another look!!, i did 3 shows the last one was fine, but really it feels like people have lost the art of conversation? maybe its down to all the internet sites, Ive got 1105 friends on face book, I know about 10 of them?
I used to write letters. talk to people meet people drink laugh have fun with real people, we dont need that anymore do we?.
Im not saying its a bad thing, I have made some great contacts on facebook myspace etc, reached out with my music to the far ends of the world, somethoing that would have been impossible just 10 years ago, but I really do miss a good old fashioned chat
See you soon

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