onsdag 3 februari 2010

passport control

Evening all, old memory dixon of dock green, shit how times have changed.
I traveled from Sweden to the UK today, 2 feet of snow in Scandinavia when its sunny it takes the train 1,15 minutes from where I live to Kastrup airport, and in the snow? yes 1,15 minutes, easyjet late as usual the coffee over priced and ugly. So there I was me and 2 of my daughters age 5 and 3 on a little jolly to visit granny in Doncaster.
Passport control I usually get a few looks a smirk or two, not today at manchester oh no, My last name is different from theres, well they are Swedish Im English plus Ive changed my name, so i have to give a little leeway, are you traveling with your wife?,er no, do you have there birth certificates ?? why ?.
You have to have proof they are your daughters, once again why? I mean come, i turned to Liv whos 5, who am I ? My daddy she said with a smile, I laughed the officer was not, I need proof she said, from that point on it went downhill, what is the point in having a passport I said ? who the hell carries there kids birth certificate with them, I could be an unkle, godfather friend of the family, yes and you could be a paedophile !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at that I lost it,

Im 48 so do you think Im to old to have small kids, are you insinuating Im a perv, a kiddy fiddler you stupid cow, calm down sir, fucking calm down, Who in there right mind would kidnap 2 small girls and bring them to this shithole?, and who are you to judge me !
I understand that they have a job to do that there are real threats to small children from vile creatures and to be classed as one of them, just for a split second turned my stomach,
I a very happy and proud dad, my partner says I a great dad and my kids love me for all the right reasons, ill continue to travel the world and take them with me, but ill bypass these shores, on a daily basis hundreds of children go missing, hundreds of children syccomb to drugs, prostitution, slavery and that is something that has to change,
So maybe Mary Poppins from passport control In manchester should change her job
See you next time
Rud Stewart

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