onsdag 17 mars 2010

freedom of speech my arse

2 troops die,
if your sensitive dont read on, if your one of them PC twats, piss off.
2 more troops have sadly lost there lifes in a shithole called Afganistan, i was gigging at the weekend in London, as per usual dedicated a song to the troops, I always do one & I always say protecting our liberties past and present,
sadly it goes over the heads of most pissed up punters, gladly some do get the message and chat about it afterwards with me.
Now i was talking to a very nice young man, well put together, with anewly created large scar on his face, he is currently serving in the army, I persumed he got the injury over there. No he got it in London on a night out with his missis to celebrate returning in one piece?.
Broken England was the cause hand in hand walking down the high street 3 little twats tried to mug him, he got a scar they went to hospital.
Turns out the one who bottled him is tagged, out instead of banged up because of good behaviour what a crock of shit.
Ive got a mate who is involved in a political party, ok a little extreme, in his opinion he stands for freedom of speech, in his opinion he stands for English rights, he has been targeted had his house trashed, car smashed up, lost his job and believe me, he aint extremist and is not a thug, he is a middle aged white Englishman, protesting for what he thinks is right.
Now in this land of freedom, is that right?
They cnat touch a hook c@unt who wants to kill us all, boot us all out of our own country, but they can manipulate the words of a simple man in the papers to make him look like a threat to the public, they can make sure he losses his job home and pride?
Now the big question for me is do I dare to carry on bloggin writing tweetin my views and discard for this corrupt lying stealing set of twats that lead our country.
Fucking right I will.
Its become common place for me to be stopped turned over at passport control, stopped on a daily basis in my car, just bad luck? paranoid? i dont think so, no doubt im on a list of possible threats to society ?

What a load of shit.
We are lied to on a daily basis my a gov full of twats
There is no viable reason for troops to be in Afganistan nevermind die there.
How can we believe a sigle word that Brown Darlin or any of the eton mob have to say?
They close ranks and get away with murder.
they are so afraid to make a commit to anything which might be taken as non PC
They have destroyed a country, Im so pissed off and saddened by what has happened to England that as soon as I for fill my work commitments I will not be returning not even to see west ham.
If freedom of speech means being mugged off by the powers to be bollocks to it.
ill be one of the 750.000 brits who did the frank last yr, looking for a better life?
Just a stat
750.000 brits left
Officially 225.000 joblots moved in, un official 1.2 million non british subjects moved in.
Happy days

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