söndag 27 februari 2011

Blind & cheated

This is à short blog tonight. I spent 14 yrs With à women, we have 3 Wonderful kids. We seperated last yr, it turns out that she had à different view on life love and building à family, its going to be à fight safir our children Will be affected, but i have no option, she is à Sevilla cunt

söndag 13 februari 2011

On the rd

OnOnCar, train, flight, train, bus taxi, 2 hours on stage, kip breakfast, then car bus train flight train car, 36 hours thats My job?
Not many people see the down side of what i do, just the time on stage.
I usually get met With the same questions, " i bet u get Laid à lot, u rich what à lifestyle you hav". sorry to dissapoint but it aint all its cracked up to, being à rockstar!.
This latest trip was to à little Town 40 mins from Belfast , 16 hours travel, ok dont get Me wrong its worth it and i enjoy it, but the travel is à pain, i hate flying and to be honest in these terrorist time
Airports are fucking horrible places to be, from copenhagen to stansted Glasgow to Norway in europe its à RIP off 12 quid for à crappy breakfast over cooked bacon snotty eggs i fucking hate snotty eggs how Hard is it to fry à fucking egg! Pastries just sat there so people can sneeze on em touch em horrible, then u got the 2 hour before bollocks, if your late you dont fly, if the planes late tough shit, then you pass the security, shoes off thats to big no you cant take that then they give u à little fondel checky twats, when on the plane you sit like à spaz they wake you up and try to sell some 3 month old sarni to you, fucking hate it, mind fly to america, they take security to à different level!,,,, the yanks have pissed everybody off, they patronize us ( the english)  invade when there not happy, supply one dictator to get rid of another one and they wonder why nobody likes them?
 3 fucking hours it took to get in and through Washington airport, eye Scan finger print Scan, why u here, where u going why why fucking why, when the 5th security guard asked Me why i was coming to the states, i finally asked myself the same question, WHY,
Even before you go they treat u like à criminal, on the plane fill this form in, Are u à terrosit, do u have à gun, stupid twats........
All the other countries should do the same to them, treat them as shit, it puts u off going there, i hate flying fucking hate it.
Back on the train Belfast to Dublin someone just farted dirty git, its to hot u need sea legs what à bollock ache.........
No people dont see the shit side to My job, on the plus side, i met à great group of people à tribute band black eyed peaz!,,, really nice people, they gave Me à lift into Belfast 30 minute car drive saved Me 40 quid on à taxi, no buses or trains u see on à sunday, something to do With gods day off! If thats the case why are the shopping centers open?
Whilst im in ranting mood, whats happened to people, nobody says hello anymore? Where as all the good spirit gone? We cant blame it all on the politicians, nobody has time for people anymore, its all about money these days, and everywhere you go its à fucking scam,
If somebody needs you or think they can make money off your back they are nice to you, if they cant well,,,,,,,,,,,,
I was totally pissed off à few weeks ago, i got married in puerto Rico and we had à wedding party when we got back, none of My family or friends bothered to come, Billy fucking no mates,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Funny old world it Will be interesting in the future when they want to come to My Home on the sunny island of majorca and i say no, when they wonder why i dont drop 6-700 euros each month in There bar, and when they have à mate WHOs got à place, hes havin à Hard time can you go and sing there, hes à mate do it cheap, and i say no, 
Guess ill be the twat then?
When you travel à lot you do have loads of time to think, to look at your life, im newly married i have 4 beautiful healthy kids, à decent income, and 3 fucking friends!!!!!!
I could fill the Albert hall With aquaintences, and 3 fucking friends came to our wedding party, My wife had over à 100, now what does that tell you about Me ? What does it Tell Me about Me.
I am à decent bloke, à little radged but à decent fellow, it knocked Me back i have to say, 
Still only à couple of months and ill be back in Spain , Me and My lovely wife, hopefully My kids Will be coming but thats up in the air, and lots of visits from My wifes friends and family, im fine With that there good people who really Care for her and have taken to Me.
À bit of sunshine everyday is good for the soul, 
I Cant wait.

fredag 11 februari 2011

has rights

Dont believe anything anybody Tells you when it Comes to devorce, custody of your children, and money.
Irrelevent of how many years you have spent together, how much you have loved your children, no matter how much you have done, tried to do, want to do. If your à man you are fucked..
I spent 14 years With My x partner, we have 3 wonderfully balanced kids 12' 6 and 4, they love there parents i would like to think equally.
The 14 years were not all good, some great Times' some bad and à LOT of Grey years.
March 2010 she told Me to piss off, I did. My two small kids came to Spain for 9 weeks as usual, the 12 yr old only for à couple, life carried on pretty much as normal,
In june i met à New love, my first real love from 17 years ago.
We married in jan 2011 in puerto Rico we are so happy.
We had à wedding party in Sweden jan 29th My girls were there dressed up, My 12 yr old made à very touching speach, mainly about how i mean the world to her, and that she Loves Me and My New wife so very much. My little ones have been With Me every week since i finished My contract in Spain .
So far so good.?
My x got à New fella, good for her, he moved straight in, good for him
Even though she had tried to keep HIM à secret in à small city and With FB etc thats very difficult.
Under the period march 2010 June 2010 i never heard à Word from My x, i called the kids every week, then they came to Spain.
Under à period of 2 yrs she decided to renovate the house, the renovation went wrong 3 different builders and £120.000 later it was sort of done, we borrowed money from the bank it wasnt enough i worked and worked paid and paid, rented an Apartment we moved in the builders took the piss you know the dance, i was away working the builders took liberties. When it was neally done thats when she told Me in the car on the way to day school to fuck off, in front of the kids NICE.
I was sat on the balcony in illetes With the little one and bingo contact, à simple text i need £ 3000, not hello hi please just i need 3000 quid, i flew back from Spain did à gig in goteborg, she got that money, i brought her money she got 3000 quid, no thankyou simple as that. I continued to send money as  i had done for the past 7 years.
Id met My now wife by this time, i kept no secrets, just kept it quite to protect My 12 yr old, late August she came out to grt the kids, at the same time My now wife was visiting, she stayed in à hotel, what à mistake by Me, by now the x realised we were well and truely done. She started trying to lay the guilt trip on Me, all about the kids how she loved Me etc, her selective memory kicked in, conveintly foggeting the obcene texts and vicious mails she sent Me, pointing out that i was not the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life With, that i was à lier à cunt à loser etc, that her life was Wonderful without Me in it, but still wanting money? Me being the mug i am continued to send it, we had credit card bills 9 Grand to be exact, over the summer i sent 9 Grand to pay them off, she of course spent the money on à paramid beauty product called nuskin, when she joined that sect that was the begining of the end, but thats another issue.
Then the selective memory kicked in again, she still Tells people i ruined her economy and didnt send à shit, good job i saved folies from all the bloody fedex buildings and western union i visited 1000€ 800€ 900€ on it goes
She went back With the kids, still in à weird state of denial, luckily sold the house, got à good price bought à nice New Apartment and when i got back guess WHO helped her move? Yes yours truely, the secret boyfriend didnt.
I saw the kids, now the 12 yr old blamed Me for everything, her mother made the mistake of telling her Young mind to much.
First in march 'things Will be different now that Me and your dad have seperated" and telling the poor little soul all the shit that was going on stupid stupid cow.
At the same time telling Me your lossing your daughter, you have to work on it, i still love you in want you back i need money, My god what à mess it was.
So  i went to England for à weekend With saga, brought her mothers car back from the uk had à great trip. All the time i was seeing My two little ones, my 12 year old started coming round to visit, as i Said came to to wedding party, last sunday she was finally going to have her first sleep over, and what happens her mother forgets to call Me and say she was not going to stay With Me homework u understand, 
 all of the previous week the 12 year old had not slept at her mothers, different friends took her in, i had no idea and i was upset, her mother WHO since the day we seperated had stated many many time both verbally and in e mail text " i Will never stop you seeing your children" what she forgot to add was as long as it suited her.

I am extremly close to My kids, extreamly close, so even though i was extremly sad, i was not surprised when she called Me on monday and told Me i would not be seeing My children again, why? I contacted à lawyer regarding My share of the house, now i was quite happy jogging on letting her have it under the impression and Word that it was 50/50 and all for the kids, in november/december Said suggested that we shared the flat Me one week her one week, i had à problem getting My head around that one, she broke her Word on that as well, her and her New fella are doing there best to blow the lot, 
I brought it up she told Me that i should be happy With 3 children and memories from 14 years, sorry it doesnt work that way, 
So here we are 10 months after the first time she told Me to fuck off, and shes at it agiain, only now shes blown the money, and using My Wonderful kids as à weapon. I honestly didnt she that coming. Any respect i had left for her has gone, any slight chance that this could be resolved in à nice way has gone. Im going to fight for Joint custody on My children, we were never married and unknown to Me if your not married the mother ges solo custody stupid rule.
She is even telling the 12 year old thats its only about money, it was never about money, but when you can only see your children when it suites your x, when your x starts to neglect your children, when your 4-6 12 year old children complain and start to feel invisable, and your x openly talks shit and takes the piss out of you something has to be done.
Ive Laid out My stall, belive My children love Me and wont easily forget Me or be turned against Me, My family decided months ago to feel sorry for her and bought her lies, My mother even came over stayed With her helped her pack the house whilst i was still in Spain, that was after staying with me for 7 weeks and seeing the pain, when i came back there little plan was to ambush Me, it didnt work, i saw her once, My Mum and brother were My best friends, and My mother should only know the things My x has Said about her.she has seen the truth knows the truth but decided on standing for the sad little x, excuse i dont know when ill see My Grand children again, ive got news for ya Mum neither do I
but With the support of My Wonderful wife Patricia and My close dear dear friends WHO know the truth about the last 14 years and this past year, ill fight for My children, i was happy to take à token of the profits from the house, not anymore i want My legal half. No matter what the consiquences are for My x, My children can come and live With Me and My wife, we have à nice place in Sweden and an even nicer one in majorca.
Quite often people mistake kindness for weakness, over the past year true friends have come forward the rest dropped away like the melting snow good riddence.

The true victims of this Will unfortunatley be My kids, your NeXT Doors kids, your mates kids
It seems that the inocent always lose in devorce, the ones WHO want to say so much but cant, all they can do is dream things Will be good again one day.
I really hope My x partner of 14 years reads this, and along With any other parent male or female WHO takes it upon them selfs to be the judge and jury and rips à Childs life heart and dreams apart read it and hang there heads in shame.the egosist self centered bastards
What goes around Comes around

lördag 22 januari 2011

The demons r everywhere

Im still à non smoker, sod all that one day at a time, you just have to go for it, beware it is Hard, first off the addiction is à twat, your mind plays games on you, tries to make you think you cant drink beer, coffee brandy well anything without à fag, when u get past that phase the physical pain starts, My body hurts, i mean really hurts, its like the worst flu ever and Tyson smacking ya body just for fun , but i Will not smoke again, they non smokers use the words will power very loosly. But at the end of the day thats all it Comes down to. WILLPOWER.
And thank god ive stopped, if im so sick now how bad would it have been had i waited another 5-10 yrs?
The poison that was in My body is gradually seeping out, that has been the only temptation to smoke again, thinking it might relief the pain?
so no logic there and no smoking,
Its à slow death sentence smoking. And the companies WHO make them know that, the governments WHO gain taxes from them know that, parents know that, so why the hell do kids start smoking. It aint cool, it stinks, you turn grey cant fight as fast, cant shag as Long, age premeturley and quite often you cant reproduce
Your teeth crack and fall out, eyes turn à really nice shade of yellow, then u usually die in à very painful way.
Thank god ive stopped

The NeXT time you hear that somebody you know has quit, make the effort to say well done, it means alot, the nexttime your With à friend WHO lights up, just say RIP

lördag 15 januari 2011

Happy days

2009 finished rather differently than it started.
I gigged in London Surrey Hills hotel, and for the first time in 7 yrs i didnt spend NYE alone! I was With the love of My life, à women who came back into My life in june, in march My partner of 14 yrs and Mum of My girls decided she didnt want to be With Me anymore, thats life........
Patti came to visit we were together 16 yrs ago and had stayed friends.
In june we were together again, jan 11 2011 we married on à carribean beach now that is romantic, true love never dies,

We have taken some stick, alot of lies Said i might add not by us, à women is à dangerous animal when in self pity moad.
Now ive been nice, tried to be polite, the usual stuff help her move from My house, help her sell My house, bring her car back from England (to Sweden) say nothing bad about her to anybody, unlike her, so it didnt come as any surprize when she turned on Me,
I didnt take any of the profits from the house, we agreed, its all for the kids. One problem shes decided to spend it all, she has put the gov on Me about Child support, and thinks that i dont mind that another fella is cashing in on the profit of 14 years work, er wrong, i really am happy for her that she has à New bloke and really do hope she Will be happy, but now i want whats lawfully mine, and im going to get it
Watch this space.

lördag 1 januari 2011


If you have never smoked, you wont Care or understand what à sodding Hard habbit it is to break.
Most likely you look at smokers as second Class citizens? All you see is à discusting person WHO stinks!!!!!!
You cant stand walking by à pub and there they are puffin away polluting your air. You laugh when you see those sad bastards stood in the Rain dragging away on cancer sticks, your face geists With pain when one sits NeXT to you on à train. You cant understand why somebody willinglypays for à slow death, or how somebody whos broke can afford them.?
Well im à smoker and i agree With you, thats why i quit.
But what you dont understand is how Hard it is to break the demon. Thats what dags are demons. They control your life, you time your day around ciggie time!!!! Breaking the hold they have on your life is probably the hardest thing ive gone through and am going through.
And believe Me its a real twat.
I have tried so many times. Heard so many ways of quitting, but never cracked it, not until now that is.
There is only one way to stop, you really do have to want to quit.
Not because your partner wants you to, not because the kids hate it, deffinatley not because the government and pc brigade Tell you to, the fact that you cant smoke anywhere just winds Me up, its your choice to die Young , smell, and look like shit, nobody Else has the right to rule your life.
But if you really want to do it you can, dont kid yourself that ill just have à couple, ill only smoke at parties that doesnt work,
I was sat indoors, and after months of 'trying" i just thought fuck it, and that was that, dont get Me wrong i chew the gum stick the pkasters on, ive even got à spray do they help? Maybe but thats in the head, and well expensive. Governments around the globe spend millions on adverts, clever marketing and course making it illegal,
Why dont they help? They give druggies free drugs instead of throwing money spending millions on anti smoking, , maybe they should drop the price on stop smoking products?
It is very Hard to stop very very Hard , but i dont want to smoke so i simply wont,
If your thinking about stopping do it
If you have stopped well done,
Yes its Hard but it is well worth it