lördag 22 januari 2011

The demons r everywhere

Im still à non smoker, sod all that one day at a time, you just have to go for it, beware it is Hard, first off the addiction is à twat, your mind plays games on you, tries to make you think you cant drink beer, coffee brandy well anything without à fag, when u get past that phase the physical pain starts, My body hurts, i mean really hurts, its like the worst flu ever and Tyson smacking ya body just for fun , but i Will not smoke again, they non smokers use the words will power very loosly. But at the end of the day thats all it Comes down to. WILLPOWER.
And thank god ive stopped, if im so sick now how bad would it have been had i waited another 5-10 yrs?
The poison that was in My body is gradually seeping out, that has been the only temptation to smoke again, thinking it might relief the pain?
so no logic there and no smoking,
Its à slow death sentence smoking. And the companies WHO make them know that, the governments WHO gain taxes from them know that, parents know that, so why the hell do kids start smoking. It aint cool, it stinks, you turn grey cant fight as fast, cant shag as Long, age premeturley and quite often you cant reproduce
Your teeth crack and fall out, eyes turn à really nice shade of yellow, then u usually die in à very painful way.
Thank god ive stopped

The NeXT time you hear that somebody you know has quit, make the effort to say well done, it means alot, the nexttime your With à friend WHO lights up, just say RIP

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