måndag 27 december 2010


Santa claus was Busy this year, to Busy to get to ramlösa and see My kids! Im not à happy camper.
Devorce to à Child is much more complicated than it is for adults.
Suddenly they have 2 homes, the stability they took for granted, either good or bad has gone, Mum has à New fella, dad has à New bird, sometimes they inherit siblings?, all very confusing for kids, ad to that Mum or dad maybe both are bitter jaded shadows of the fun living people WHO brought them in to the world, and the icing on the cake santa didnt come, oh yeah there were presents but no bloody santa, why?
Well dad was away With his bird - point dad, Mum cried "_its Hard the first christmas alone your daddy doesnt Care he went away" + point Mum , I cant speak for every breaker up only mine, and the usual shit you hear from others WHO have ventured down the same path.
Its your dads fault, he left Me, its your dads fault he found another women, i gave HIM children doesnt that mean anything, your dad has à New life, he does love you, he wants to see you  BUT I WANT LET HIM,
Men whether or not it was your fault that the relationship falled is irrelevant, your the twat now, and the x Will make damn sure that the kids wont trust you anymore, I see My 2 littlest one very regular, the 12 year old not so often, which is saddening. i have à 17 year old WHO i have not seen for 8  fucking yesrs, the x x made sure of that, now she is à peice of work, extreamly good looking extreamly evil, the less Said about that animal the better.
The x well much like many other relationships had its ups and Downs , really good Times' some bad Times' to much Grey time, to be honest our relationship of 14 yrs was dead before to told Me to piss off, there was nobody Else involved, well not on My side, we drifted apart for à number of years, à few brief glipses of how it used to be, sex once in à bluemoon, arguments about nothing? And then that bloody horrible Grey deadzone, i always Said to myself stay for the kids, not always the best idea, ive always been big on family, so it was very Hard for Me to go, the only saving grace was that I work away quite à lot, so the little ones had it much easier than many kids, WHO in there eyse dad just dissapeared.
My escape route was majorca, i work there 6 months à year, the kids came down for 9 weeks, so life was pretty much the same old same old for them.
The x did the big mistake of telling the 12 yr old " its over With your father and Me" end of. To much information for à young girl,
It was painful very painful but after to many shitty e mail, to many nasty comments, and 4 months of total silence from , i moved on.
BINGO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, nothing can prepare à man for the rath of à women nothing, boys  there à different creature to us, they have selective memories, can make black look white, make there wrongs right, in à nut Shell, when you meet somebody you are f_ucked!,,,,,,!
How could you, i never broke up, i thought you would wait, you bastard,   i hate you, you twat, i didnt mean piss off i meant  i meant i love you, i just needed à little 6 month break to sort My fucking head out,and decide if i wanted to have sex With My x,, woops you New i went for dinner With him, he didnt mean anything when he texted Me at 4,30 in the morning saying how he missed Me !!!!!!!!!!!
Yeap boys your fucked because it was all your fault?
Youve put Weight on, yeap no sex
Your letting yourself go, yeap no sex
You dont cuddle Me, WHATS the fucking point, NO SEX,
None of that really mattered, i was With My kids, everyday, but there Comes à breaking point à point of no return, no matter how much you love your children, doing the right thing can so often be the wrong thing to do.
In time things get better, never the same for à Child,they seen to forget hearing the late night rows, they would Rather grow up With Mum and dad not loving each other showing any love or respect for each other, than Mum and dad being happy apart, because so often we forget that kids blame thenm selfs when parents split up, they loose there family,
So the one thing i can promise My kids is that as With every year before your Mum and dad split up, NeXT year santa Will not be to Busy to visit in person, because as With every year before your Mum and dad split, i Will fix santa, and you Will spend christmas With Me.
So now the New year is upon us, every year like most people i make ressolutions i never keep, smoking, trainning, drinking, the usual, this year however i am maning à New year ressolution i know i can keep.
Im going to be à good dad,
Happy New year, may your devorces be painless, no hold on its not april fools day.

Sent from my iPad

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